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Human emerging

Out of the haze of pain killers, drains, sleep deprivation and bed rest, a normal human is starting to emerge!

Last night was the first night without pain killers and with only 2 drains in sleep was a little more comfortable. I’m getting the hang of showering with drains in so I have a thorough cleanse and feel…well… Pretty awesome really!!

I decide to celebrate the new found spring in my step with a trip to town. Chaperoned by my mum we plan a very short, but highly medicinal trip to the shops.

Stepping out the front door I almost scream in shock, my eyes MY EYES!! What is this bright light hitting my retina?? What is this sensation on my skin?! Am I part of a zombie apocalypse?? Oh pardon me…It’s just fresh air and sunshine.

Standing on the high street looking at the shops I feel like a person from Outer Mongolia looking at the bright lights of Las Vegas for the first time. The shops, the clothes, the accessories, there’s just so much to take in but alas im still behaving so opt to just visit M&S as planned. Fortunately to get there we have to go through House of Fraser passing the MAC counter so I can have a quick bonus browse! Sadly it also involves passing a GORGEOUS ted baker hand bag with a £159 price tag. If only cancer compensated for pain with cash, what a shopping trip that would be!

After the brief walk round the shops it’s time for a sit down meal that is both nutritious and delicious. A beef patty sumptuously sandwiched between two soft buns, lavished with a slice of cheese and accentuated with lashings of onion. The julienne potatoes delicately seasoned with sea salt, all accompanied with a tomato and BBQ jus. God bless Ronald McDonald.

Negotiating the shops is still quite nerve racking. I’m petrified of catching my drains on a clothes rail or one of the fellow shoppers and my new calm and happy exterior being shattered as I scream and crumple into a weeping heap. But my fears were unfounded as a quick flash of the blood filled pipes I’m carrying and people give me a wide berth. I may ask to keep a couple of empty drains that I can fill with tomato juice when it comes to Christmas shopping! Will make like so much easier.

I promised the trip would be short so after lunch we head back. Slumping back on my favourite spot on the sofa I still feel good after the brief encounter with the outside world. Not tired, no pain, just good! Its amazing what a bit of fresh air and MAC make up can do for the soul.

A week ago it was impossible to believe I’d ever feel human again! To feel this good only a week later is very comforting. Heaven knows what it’ll feel like when the last two drains are out, I’ll be like tinkerbell on a sugar high!

I’m Delighted to be welcomed back to the human race. Thank you for having me humans!

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