Thunder stealing baby
Around the same time we got my cancer news, there was some other news being announced within the family….My sister was pregnant!! For every dreaded cancer appointment we’ve had, theres been a midwife appointment to brighten us up! My little niece or nephew will be born around the same time I will be finishing my chemotherapy. The timing couldn’t be better!
It also made last weekend a particularly exciting one! It was baby show weekend in birmingham. My sister has volunteered on the kicks count stand at nearly every show for the last 5 years so we are used to attending together. But this time we would be there as visitors as well as exhibitors!
As soon as she told me she was pregnant (which coincidentally was at the last baby show!) I signed her up as a Kicks Count blogger (you can check out her blog here). I’ve tasked her with sampling pregnancy products and services and report to our followers on her best finds. So what better place to check out hundreds of brands at once than The Baby Show!
The best thing about this weekend is it wasn’t about me, it wasn’t about cancer, it was about my niece or nephew. While I’m usually more than happy to be centre of attention, lately Cancer has been stealing my thunder. It was lovely to spend a few days with another hot topic of conversation!
Having done the show for so long, and being the official show charity, I know the organisers and PR girls quite well. They were keen to make sure I was well looked after so any time I needed a break or a drink I could head to the press office for a seat on the comfy sofas.
Halfway through the first day I started to struggle. Having spend most of the last 3 weeks on the sofa moving occasionally to the loo or to pick up a magazine, being up and about and on my feet for a full day was taking its toll. So I trotted off to the press office.
Sitting there chatting to a few people and who should walk in but celebrity mum of the year Giovanna Fletcher! We got chatting and conversation moved on to Kicks Count (Im a bit of a broken record sometimes, can’t help but tell people about it!). I also mentioned that we were raising awareness of Coppafeel at the same time. Turns out Giovanna is a fully fledged Boob Ninja for Coppafeel! Using her social media and celebritiness (yes thats now a word) to encourage people to check their boobs! We had a good old natter about all things boobs and babies and she is as down to earth and friendly as she appears.
As we are all about raising awareness, no one raises more awareness than a celeb. So getting a new celebrity follower on board is always good for saving more lives!
I ended up using the press office sofas a few times over the weekend, sadly with no more celebrity run ins though (terrible timing on my part!) Some people were worried about me attending the baby show so soon after surgery, knowing how much work is usually involved. But I behaved myself, did no lifting, sat down lots and knew my limits. And I have to say for my recovery it was probably the best thing I could’ve done!
I felt like me again.
Albeit slightly more tired. But me nonetheless.